When we say political education, we mean education that is grounded in the history of working class struggle and builds towards a working class, internationalist horizon.
In the world we live in today, the majority of education we receive is created by the oppressors. The ideology we are fed in most schools and institutions is ruling class ideology, and this does not further our struggle or serve the needs of the working class. When we say political education, we mean education that is grounded in the history of working class struggle and builds towards a working class internationalist horizon. Political education has a purpose. Political education is “all efforts of mobilization, organization and training that prepare people to exercise the power which they must necessarily conquer” (Paulo Freire). It is, therefore, a tool of people’s movements that help elaborate and establish strategy.
We know that we need political education for the survival of our people. We need political education to arm our people for class struggle. We need political education for liberation!