Slide 1 Slide 1 (current slide) When we say political education, we mean education that is grounded in the history of working class struggle and builds towards a working class internationalist horizon. Read more. Current & Recent Courses SPARK! ORGANIZING FOR REVOLUTION MARXISM AND NATIONAL LIBERATION NO ONE’S BACKYARD! REVOLUTION IN THE CARIBBEAN LENIN AND THE PATH TO REVOLUTION PAN AFRICANISM AND THE STRUGGLE FOR OUR FUTURE CHINA75 - WHEN THE PEOPLE STAND UP Item 1 of 6 The People's Forum Newsletter For upcoming programming, a curated media digest and more... plus a few surprises! Enter your first name Enter your last name Enter your email address to subscribe Provide your email address to subscribe. For e.g Opt-in I agree to receive your newsletters and accept the data privacy statement. You may unsubscribe at any time using the link in our newsletter. SUBSCRIBE